
Sustainable Alamance type BUs Graphics.jpg

Partner with Sustainable Alamance by hiring our participants or introducing us to potential employers. Please send an email to phil@sustainablealamance.org if you are interested in becoming a Sustainable Alamance employer.



Jobs for Life — Instructor 

Through Jobs for Life training, your service, compassion, time, and commitment to excellence
will play an integral part in God’s work. Lives will be transformed through meaningful, mutually
respectful relationships, the application of Biblical principles, and the acquisition of practical
work readiness skills.

□ Serve as an encourager, showing a warm, caring and accepting spirit
□ Build relationships based on respect, understanding, dignity and trust
□ Demonstrate leadership bathed in humility and accountability
□ We encourage you to be open, share your own experiences, challenges, and insight, to provide hope to those seeking productive employment and a meaningful life.

Jobs for Life — Champion 

  • Provide support, encouragement, counsel, and truth with grace to the student on a regular basis. Never
    underestimate the importance of a Champion!

  • Work closely with your student. Serve as the primary person to evaluate his or her comprehension and life
    application of the material taught in the course. Monitor his or her progress to insure that he/she is on
    track for JfL graduation.

  • Take responsibility to ensure that the student attends class, completes all assignments, make-up session
    and continues to work toward completing all graduation requirements. Ask the student for weekly
    progress updates and hold him/her
    accountable for their work.

  • Championing someone is more “how can I help you?” rather than “what should I teach you?” Championing is not lording over
    someone or being a parent.

  • Be a good and sincere listener. Make it possible for the student to open up to you and reveal possible
    pains that may hinder progress. Be a sounding board for the student, as he/she confronts various
    obstacles to implementation or has to reconsider earlier decisions and /or change course.


Special Skills

We know there are people with special skills who could make a great contribution to the organization but we haven't thought of what they might be. Do you have special skills or talents that we could use for the betterment of Sustainable Alamance?

 For more information:

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